Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Starter questions for writing a Christian Testimony


--What was your life like before you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?
--Describe two or more things about your life before you became a Christian.
--Background: did you grow up in church?  If so, what was that experience like?  If not, what was your original worldview?
--Be careful not to glamorize how "bad" you used to be.
--What were your attitudes? Needs? Problems?
--What did your life revolve around?  What was most important to you?
--Where did you look for security? Peace of mind? Happiness? Significance?
--Where were you spiritually before receiving Christ, and how did that affect you - your feelings, attitudes, actions, and relationships?
--On what did you rely on for security and happiness?
--What did I think of God? Of Jesus?
--In what ways was God drawing you to Christ?
--When did you begin to feel convicted about your sins?
--What circumstances caused you to think about the Lord?
--Who were the people that influenced you toward the Lord?

--When were you first exposed to dynamic Christianity?
--How did you learn about the gospel? Include 1 or 2 verses from Scripture.
--When / where did you first hear the gospel?
--If a church played a part in your conversion, tell how you came in contact with that church and who or what you remember from your first visits.
--What were your initial reactions to Jesus Christ?
--What were your initial reactions to Jesus?
--What feelings did you struggle with right before your decision?
--When and why did you begin to feel positively about Christianity?
--What was the turning point in your attitude?
--What motivated you to invite Christ to be your Lord and Savior?
--How and why you became Christian
--Specifically, how did you receive Christ and His forgiveness?
--Where were you? Alone in your room? Driving in your car? At a church service?
--Who talked to you about becoming a Christian?
--What actions did you take to become a Christian?
--How did you come to accept Christ and give Him complete control of your life?
--How did you yield your life to Christ? What did you say?
--What thoughts went through your mind?
--How did you feel after you accepted Christ?

--What happened after you trusted Christ?
--Did you struggle with your faith?
--What kind of problems did you face?
--How are you different than you were before?
--How did your life begin to change after you trusted Christ?
--What changes did you see in your life? In your attitudes? In your actions?
--How long did it take before you noticed any changes?
--What area of your life has the Lord changed most significantly?
--How have the changes in your life influenced others around you?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Describe two or more things that are different about your life now that you are a Christian.
--What other benefits have you experienced since becoming a Christian?
--Why are you glad that you are a Christian?
--How did God answer prayer, or strengthen you in difficult situations?
--What makes you excited about living for Christ today and in the future?
--What makes you sure that you are going to heaven?
--What does Jesus Christ mean to you now?
--What does Jesus Christ mean to you now?
--Finish this sentence: "My prayer is....

Monday, April 9, 2018

Hell links