tation” - Strong's G3986 - peirasmos: : proving, the test of man's fidelity, temptation
“patience, steadfastness, endurance” - Strong's G5281 - hypomonÄ“: (lit. to remain under) steadfastness, constancy, endurance
“lowly” - Strong's G5011 - tapeinos: (lit. that which is low, and does not rise far from the ground), (metaphorically: as a condition, lowly, of low degree) also used in Luke 1:52; Rom. 12:16; 2Cor. 7:6; James 4:6
9 [But] 10 But
let the lowly let the rich
brother _______
boast ______
in his exaltation in his humiliation
1. Who are the “rich” in verse ten?
- Unbelievers: 1) The idea of grass withering would fit the unsaved better; 2) Rich elsewhere in context of unbelievers (Luke 6:23-24; James 2.1-6; 5.1-6)
- Believers: 1) syntactical structure (boast has to carry over from vs. 9 to vs. 10, so it would be natural to also carry over brother; 2) What is there in eternal condemnation for the unbelieving rich to glory in?; 3) James mentions wealthy business men as believers (4.13-17)
- Jeremiah 9.23-24 “...let him who glories glory in this…”
- “James is enjoining both the rich and the poor to evaluate themselves by spiritual rather than material standards.” —Bloomberg/Kammel in E.C.N.T.
- In what sense does the Gospel exalt the lowly?
- In what sense does the Gospel humble the rich?
- What is an indication that we have lost this perspective? (James 2.1-6)
4. “fade away in his pursuits…”
- “fade” Isaiah 40.6b-8The material wealth in this world is temporary and of limited value. It is the path to spiritual indifference and insignificance.
- What makes you fade away in your pursuits?
5. Inclusio?
Verse 2-4 Verse 12
Joy Blessed
trials temptations/trials
patience/endurance patience/endurance
complete [faith], lacking nothing approved
The parallels between the beginning of this section and verse 12 are remarkable. It seems that verses2-4 speak to a call to patience/endurance in trials and verse 12 points toward the reward, "the crown of life," and the driving motivation, love for Christ. Douglas Moo also acknowledges that this is a reasonable approach in his Pillar commentary on James.
6. APPLICATION: How does loving Christ affect my trials, wisdom, and material possessions?
Verse 2-4 Verse 12
Joy Blessed
trials temptations/trials
patience/endurance patience/endurance
complete [faith], lacking nothing approved
The parallels between the beginning of this section and verse 12 are remarkable. It seems that verses2-4 speak to a call to patience/endurance in trials and verse 12 points toward the reward, "the crown of life," and the driving motivation, love for Christ. Douglas Moo also acknowledges that this is a reasonable approach in his Pillar commentary on James.
6. APPLICATION: How does loving Christ affect my trials, wisdom, and material possessions?
TBC affirms the following values to glorify God as a body of believers:
1. We value love for Jesus Christ above all.
Love for Jesus Christ is the defining mark of a Christian, the driving motivation for godly living, and the source of our love for others.
(Others include : The Bible, prayer, discipleship, personal relationship, missions and evangelism.)
1. We value love for Jesus Christ above all.
Love for Jesus Christ is the defining mark of a Christian, the driving motivation for godly living, and the source of our love for others.
(Others include : The Bible, prayer, discipleship, personal relationship, missions and evangelism.)