Discussion Questions
Matthew 19:13-15 “…for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
1. Why was it so surprising that the children were held out as an example of those who will inherit the kingdom of heaven? What traits do children have that make them especially suited for the kingdom of heaven?
Matthew 19:16-29 “Whatever you love more than Christ will burden and drag you down.”
2. How rich are we? (globalrichlist.com)How do our riches impede our relationship with God?
3. How can we tell that everything we have belongs to God?
Matthew 20:1-16 “Many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
4. How was the different pay to the last and first workers a surprise? How did the first workers respond? Why?
5. What "hints" did Jesus give about greatness in the Kingdom?
Matthew 10:17-34 “God wants to turn the understanding of greatness upside down.”
6. How did Jesus describe the greatest in God’s Kingdom?
7. In what ways did the two blind beggars contrast with James and John?
Matthew 21:1-11 “Jesus came as a humble, unexpected, and unrecognized king. Jesus is inviting you to recognize and welcome Him as your King. “
8. Why did Jesus choose to make such a public entrance to the city of Jerusalem? What prophecy did Jesus fulfill with his “Triumphal Entry?” (Zechariah 9:9)
9. What are some repercussions of accepting Jesus as your King?
CONNECTION Discussion Notes
Matthew 19:13-20:11
April 8, 2018
Discussion Questions
Matthew 19:13-15 “…for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
1. Why was it so surprising that the children were held out as an example of those who will inherit the kingdom of heaven? What traits do children have that make them especially suited for the kingdom of heaven?
Matthew 19:16-29 “Whatever you love more than Christ will burden and drag you down.”
2. How do our riches impede our relationship with God? (How rich are you? globalrichlist.com)
3. How can we tell that everything we have belongs to God?
Matthew 20:1-16 “Many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
4. How was the different pay to the last and first workers a surprise? How did the first workers respond? Why?
5. What hints did Jesus give about greatness in the Kingdom?
Matthew 10:17-34 “God wants to turn the understanding of greatness upside down.”
6. How did Jesus describe the greatest in God’s Kingdom?
7. In what ways did the two blind beggars contrast with James and John?
Matthew 21:1-11 “Jesus came as a humble, unexpected, and unrecognized king. Jesus is inviting you to recognize and welcome Him as your King. “
8. Why did Jesus choose to make such a public entrance to the city of Jerusalem? What prophecy did Jesus fulfill with his “Triumphal Entry?” (Zechariah 9:9)
9. What are some repercussions of accepting Jesus as your King?
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