Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Notes on Spiritual Leadership (revised) by J Oswald Chambers (Moody Publishers)

Spiritual Leadership (revised) by J Oswald Chambers

Ch 1. An Honorable Ambition
“Let it once be fixed that a man’s ambition is to fit into God’s plan for him...” S D Gordon

Ch. 2. Search for Leaders
God alone makes leaders.
Not all who aspire to leadership are willing to pay such a high personal price.”

Ch. 3 The Master’s Master Principle
We do not read about “Moses my Leader”, but “Moses my servant.”
The Sovereignty Principle; The Suffering Principle
The spirit of servanthood: Dependence, approval (by God), Modesty, empathy, optimism, anointing

Ch. 4 Natural and Spiritual Leadership
Leadership may be defined as that quality that inspires sufficient confidence in subordinates...
Leaders are both born and made.

Ch. 5 Can you become a leader?  
Leadership qualities often lie dormant and undiscovered.
List of items to evaluate leadership potential.

Ch. 6 Insights on Leadership from Paul—1 Timothy 3.2-7 
If the world demands standards for leaders, the Church must take even greater care.

Ch. 7 Insights on Leadership from Peter— 
feed them, the humility of an equal, not for personal gain.  
When God calls us, we cannot refuse from a sense of inadequacy.

Ch. 8 Essential Qualities of Leadership
Discipline—Before we can conquer the world, we must conquer the self.
Vision—people who see more and farther than others
Wisdom, Decision—when all the facts are in, swift and clear decision
Courage—face unpleasant and even devastating situations with equanimity
Humility—“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

Ch. 9 More Essential Qualities of Leadership
Humor—a keen sense of humor with a clear sense of grace
Friendship—with warm appreciation and personal affection
Tact and Diplomacy—William Cary ...attained the happy art of ruling and overruling others without asserting his authority
Inspirational Power—Inspiring others to service and sacrifice
Executive ability—
The Therapy of Listening—time spent listening is well invested
The Art of Letter Writing—

Ch. 10 Above All Else
To be spirit-filled is indispensable.
Means that the Christian voluntarily surrenders life and will to the Spirit
The coming of spiritual gifts does not eliminate natural gifts but enhances them.

Ch. 11 Prayer and Leadership
We call it indispensable...yet we often fail to pray.
Prayer is hard work, wrestling, struggling
It is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone.  (Hudson Taylor)
The Christian who clings to sin closes the ear of God.

Ch. 12. The Leader and Time
The way we employ surpluses hours ... will determine if we develop into mediocre or powerful people.
Our problem is not too little time but making better use of the time we have.  select priorities
Jesus’s twenty-four hour’s a day was sufficient to complete the whole of God’s will.
Keep track of how you spend your time. 

Ch. 13 The Leader and Reading
Read 30 minutes every day.
Careful reading is more valuable than much reading.  Take notes
Read diverse viewpoints.  Correlate your reading.

Ch. 14 Improving Leadership
Exert yourself to lead, zeal, continuing intensity
Leadership that improves; administration, spiritual tone, group morale, personal relationships, problem-solving, creative planning

Ch. 15 The Cost of Leadership
Achievement is bought on the time payment plan.
Self-sacrifice, fatigue, criticism, rejection, pressure and perplexity

Ch. 16 Responsibilities of Leadership
Service—The Son of God became the servant of God to do the mission of God.
Applied discipline—Godly, loving, meekness
Guidance—1 Cor 11:1
Initiative—after cautious counsel take courageous, calculated risks
“The frontiers of the kingdom of God we’re never advanced by men and women of caution.” 

Ch. 17 Tests of Leadership
...they serve to purify...
Knowing when (on principles) to stand firm and resist compromise.
“...three phases in most great tasks undertaken for God—impossible, difficult, done.” —Hudson Taylor
The priority of pursuing God’s glory and not your own
Failure is not final.

Ch. 18 The Art of Delegation
“...would rather put a thousand men to work than do the work of a thousand men.”  —DL Moody
Failure to delegate is poor stewardship.
Even if tasks are not done perfectly...
There is no virtue in doing more than your fair share of the work.

Ch. 19 Replacing Leaders
The ultimate test of leadership is the health of the organization after the leader is gone.
The most gifted leader has liabilities and limitations.
Only one leader holds office forever.

Ch. 20 Reproducing Leaders
2 Timothy 2.2. A Leaders responsibility to train others.  should take high priority
...train others to do the work better than he did it.
Disciples are not manufactured wholesale.  They are manufactured one by one...

Ch. 21 Perils of Leadership
Pride:  The victim of pride is often least aware of it.
Egotism is the practice of thinking and speaking of oneself.  The veil will eventually fall off.
Jealousy:  God’s work in others was to be encouraged not sniffed out.
Popularity: Being disliked is no virtue, but popularity can have too high a price.  Leaders must work to attach people’s affection to Jesus.
Infallibility: perfection alludes is all
Indispensability: ...the missionary should be planning on working out of a job.
Elation and Depression:
Prophet or Leader:
Disqualifications: warning against smugness or complacency

Ch. 22 The Leader Nehemiah
Character: Man of prayer, courage, concern, caution, clear decisions, empathetic, realist, follow thru, vigorous administration.
Methods: redirect focus toward the greatness of God, encouraged, corrected, promptly faced weaknesses, the authority of God’s Word, organize people and projects.

A Final Word
If Spiritual Leadership were easy, everyone would be doing it.
...say “Yes” to Jesus’ invitation, “Follow Me.”