4. Two Subunits on Speech and Deeds (12:1-28)
(a) The First Subunit (1-14) Introduction (1-3), Speech and One's
Household (4-7), Deeds and Property (8-12), Janus Conclusion: Words and
Deeds (13-14)
(b) The Second Unit (12.15-28) Introduction (15), Wise and Foolish
Speech (16-23), Diligent Work and Good speech (24-27), Conclusion (28)
twelve consists of two subunits of proverbs of equal length dealing
with speech and deeds (vv. 1-14, 15-28). Each half begins with an
educational aphorism contrasting the teachableness of the wise with the
incorrigibility of the fool (vv. 1-15)
to encourage the son to accept the teachings that follow. Each half
concludes with a synthetic proverb--a rare phenomenon in Collection
subunit is divided into partial subunits that commence with an aphorism
broadly characterizing the righteous and wicked and is drawn to a
conclusion with aphorisms that affirm the permanence of the former and
the impermanence of the latter: vv.1-3, 4-7, 8-12 (vv. 13-14 are a
concluding janus), and vv. 16-19, 20-23, and 24-28.
Introduction (15)
The way of a fool seems right to him,
but a wise man listens to advice.
Wise and Foolish
Speech (16-23)
16 but
shows overlooks
17 but
A truthful witness a false witness
gives tells
18 but
Reckless (2) of the wise
words (1) the tongue
pierce brings
19 but
Truthful lips a lying tongue
endure lasts
forever, only a moment.
20 but
There is - - -
deceit joy
in the hearts - - -
of those who for those who
plot promote
21 but
No harm (3) of trouble.
befalls (2) have their fill
the righteous, (1) the wicked
22 but
lying lips, in men who are truthful.
22a lying lips... Words.
22b truthful... Deeds.
23 but
- - - the heart of
A prudent man fools
keeps blurts out
23 Notice how the similarity between vv. 16 and 23 fame this section.
Diligent Work and Good speech (24-27)
24 but
Diligent hands laziness
will rule, ends in slave labor.
25 but
An anxious heart a kind word
weighs a man down, cheers him up.
26 but
the way of
A righteous man the wicked
is cautious - - -
27 but
The lazy man the diligent man
his game, his possessions.
Conclusion (28)
In the way of righteousness along that path
there is life; is immortality.
28 This a a good word for the person addressed in verses 1 and 15.