Monday, November 2, 2009

Sun 091101 pm sum of Newton on Paul

An essay on the character of the apostle Paul, considered as an example andpattern of a minister of Jesus Christ
by John Newton, 1769

I. the supreme love he bore to his Lord and Savior. 
II. love to his people.
III. inflexible attachment to the great doctrines of the Gospel
IV. a great tenderness to weak consciences, in matters that were not essential to the faith
V. an unselfish spirit ... labors were directed to no other ends than the glory of God and the good of men
VI. Christian zeal ... It is GOOD to be to be zealous, provided the purpose is good
VII. the manner in which he ... of the Spirit and with power
From what has been said, we may remark two obvious reasons, among others, why we have so much unsuccessful preaching in our days: either the Gospel truths are given up, or the Gospel simplicity departed from. Where either of these is the case, the Lord refuses his power and blessing.
VIII. his sincere humility
But, in an especial manner, humility is necessary and beautiful in a minister! Thegreatest abilities and the most unwearied diligence will not ensure success without it! A secret apprehension of his own importance, will deprive him of the Holy Spirit's assistance, without which he can do nothing!

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