1. Look at the things to put on in 3.5,8-9. How do they fit with the categories in 1 John 2.15-17? Which of the ten commandments to they relate to?
2. What are the opposites of the sins in 3.8-9?
3. What three tests can you set for speech based on 3.8-8?
4. What is the difference between anger and wrath? Which one do you tend to struggle with?
II. The Switch
5. Compare the "old man" and "new man" to Paul's wording in Rom. 6.4-7 and Eph 4.22-24 and Peter's wording in 1 Peter 1.4. How do those perspectives on this truth help you to understand this truth?
6. Compare Col. 3.10 with Romans 8.28-29. What do you learn about the new creation?
"When the child of God looks into the Word of God and sees the Son of God, he is changed by the Spirit of God into the image of God for the glory of God." --Warren Wiersbe
III. The New
7. What are the modern distinctions that match the contrasts in verse 3.11? Which one do you (we) identify with most?III. The New
8. What is the difference between Christ being "all" and "in all"?
9. What are the three characteristics of a believer are mentioned? How do those three relate particularly to things mentioned in verses 12-13 (and to those mentioned in verses 5, & 8-9)?
10. What does holy mean? (Check Exodus 3.4-5?. In what sense was the ground holy) William Barclay translated "holy" as "devoted." Does he have a valid point?
11. What are some good qualities that our culture values that are not included in this list (3.12-13)?
12. What some traits that are related to or necessary to have compassion? Where do we see examples of Christ's compassion in the Gospels?
13. What is the difference between being "good" and being "kind"? Can you be good to someone without being kind? Can you be "kind" without being "good"?
14. How do strength and self-control relate to gentleness? What needs to be added to strength and self-control to get gentleness?
15. What characterizes a humble person's view of God and of others?
16. Patience refers to our interactions with people. In which situations with people is it most difficult for you to be patient? What kind of change do you need in your thinking to be more patient.
17. Does forbarance relate to Proverbs 19.11? How?
17. When do we need to forgive?
18. What are some characteristics of God forgiving us that should be kept in mind (refer to Matthew 18.21-35)?
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