Thomas Constable's outline of Mark.
I. Introduction 1:1-13
A. The title of the book 1:1
B. Jesus’ preparation for ministry 1:2-13
1. The ministry of John the Baptist 1:2-8
2. The baptism of Jesus 1:9-11
3. The temptation of Jesus 1:12-13
II. The Servant’s early Galilean ministry 1:14—3:6
A. The beginning of Jesus’ ministry 1:14-20
1. The message of the Servant 1:14-15
2. The first disciples of the Servant 1:16-20
B. Early demonstrations of the Servant’s authority 1:21-34
1. Jesus’ teaching and healing in the Capernaum synagogue 1:21-28
2. The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law 1:29-31
3. Jesus’ healing of many Galileans after sundown 1:32-34
C. Jesus’ early ministry throughout Galilee 1:35-45
1. The first preaching tour of Galilee 1:35-39
2. The cleansing of a leprous Jew 1:40-45
D. Jesus’ initial conflict with the religious leaders 2:1—3:6
1. The healing and forgiveness of a paralytic 2:1-12
2. The call of Levi and his feast 2:13-17
3. The religious leaders’ question about fasting 2:18-22
4. The controversies about Sabbath observance 2:23—3:6
III. The Servant’s later Galilean ministry 3:7—6:6a
A. The broadening of Jesus’ ministry 3:7-19
1. Jesus’ ministry to the multitudes 3:7-12
2. Jesus’ selection of 12 disciples 3:13-19
B. The increasing rejection of Jesus and its result 3:20—4:34
1. The increasing rejection of Jesus 3:20-35
2. Jesus’ teaching in parables 4:1-34
C. Jesus’ demonstrations of power and the Nazarenes’ rejection 4:35—6:6a
1. The demonstrations of Jesus’ power 4:35—5:43
2. Jesus rejection by the Nazarenes 6:1-6a
IV. The Servant’s self-revelation to the disciples 6:6b—8:30
A. The mission of the Twelve 6:6b-30
1. The sending of the Twelve 6:6b-13
2. The failure of Antipas to understand Jesus’ identity 6:14-29
3. The return of the Twelve 6:30
B. The first cycle of self-revelation to the disciples 6:31—7:37
1. The feeding of the 5,000 6:31-44
2. Jesus’ walking on the water and the return to Galilee 6:45-5
3. The controversy with the Pharisees and scribes over defilement 7:1-23
4. Jesus’ teaching about bread and the exorcism of a Phoenician girl 7:24-30
5. The healing of a deaf man with a speech impediment 7:31-36
6. The preliminary confession of faith 7:37
C. The second cycle of self-revelation to the disciples 8:1-30
1. The feeding of the 4,000 8:1-9
2. The return to Galilee 8:10
3. Conflict with the Pharisees over signs 8:11-13
4. Jesus’ teaching about the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod 8:14-21
5. The healing of a blind man near Bethsaida 8:22-26
6. Peter’s confession of faith 8:27-30
V. The Servant’s journey to Jerusalem 8:31—10:52
A. The first passion prediction and its lessons 8:31—9:29
1. The first major prophecy of Jesus’ passion 8:31-33
2. The requirements of discipleship 8:34—9:1
3. The Transfiguration 9:2-8
4. The coming of Elijah 9:9-13
5. The exorcism of an epileptic boy 9:14-29
B. The second passion prediction and its lessons 9:30—10:31
1. The second major prophecy of Jesus’ passion 9:30-32
2. The pitfalls of discipleship 9:33-50
3. Lessons concerning self-sacrifice 10:1-31
C. The third passion prediction and its lessons 10:32-52
1. The third major prophecy of Jesus’ passion 10:32-34
2. Jesus’ teaching about serving 10:35-45
3. The healing of a blind man near Jericho 10:46-52
VI. The Servant’s ministry in Jerusalem chs. 11—13
A. Jesus’ formal presentation to Israel 11:1-26
1. The Triumphal Entry 11:1-11
2. Jesus’ judgment on unbelieving Israel 11:12-26
B. Jesus’ teaching in the temple 11:27—12:44
1. The controversy over Jesus’ authority 11:27—12:12
2. The controversy over Jesus’ teaching 12:13-37
3. Jesus’ condemnation of hypocrisy and commendation of reality 12:38-44
C. Jesus’ teaching on Mt. Olivet ch. 13
1. The setting 13:1-4
2. Warnings against deception 13:5-8
3. Warnings about personal danger during deceptions 13:9-13
4. The coming crisis 13:14-23
5. The second coming of the Son of Man 13:24-27
6. The time of Jesus’ return 13:28-32
7. The concluding exhortation 13:33-37
VII. The Servant’s passion ministry chs. 14—15
A. The Servant’s anticipation of suffering 14:1-52
1. Jesus’ sufferings because of betrayal 14:1-11
2. Jesus’ sufferings because of desertion 14:12-52
B. The Servant’s endurance of suffering 14:53—15:47
1. Jesus’ Jewish trial 14:53—15:1
2. Jesus’ Roman trial 15:2-20
3. Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and burial 15:21-47
VIII. The Servant’s resurrection ch. 16
A. The announcement of Jesus’ resurrection 16:1-8
B. The appearances and ascension of Jesus 16:9-20
1. Three post-resurrection appearances 16:9-18
2. Jesus’ ascension 16:19-20
Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996), 109.
1. God’s Servant Is Here! (Mark 1)
2. What the Servant Offers You (Mark 2:1–3:12)
3. The Servant, the Crowds, and the Kingdom (Mark 3:13–4:34)
4. The Servant Conquers! (Mark 4:35–5:43)
5. Will Anyone Trust God’s Servant? (Mark 6:1–56)
6. The Servant-Teacher (Mark 7:1–8:26)
7. The Servant’s Secrets (Mark 8:27–9:50)
8. The Servant’s Paradoxes (Mark 10)
9. The Servant in Jerusalem (Mark 11:1–12:44)
10. The Servant Unveils the Future (Mark 13)
11. The Servant Suffers (Mark 14:1–15:20)
12. The Servant Finishes His Work (Mark 15:21–16:20)
R. Alan Cole, Mark: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 2, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989), 97–101.ANALYSIS
A. The title of the book (1:1)
B. The forerunner (1:2–8)
C. The baptism of Jesus (1:9–11)
D. The temptation (1:12–13)
A. The kingdom of God in Galilee (1:14–15)
i. The first Galilean preaching (1:14–15)
ii. The call of the disciples (1:16–20)
iii. Jesus at Capernaum (1:21–28)
iv. Peter’s mother-in-law (1:29–31)
v. The evening healings (1:32–34)
vi. From Capernaum to Galilee (1:35–39)
vii. The cleansing of the leper (1:40–45)
B. The beginning of conflict (2:1–3:6)
i. The healing of the paralysed man (2:1–12)
ii. The ministry of Jesus (2:13)
iii. The call of Levi (2:14–17)
iv. Controversy about fasting (2:18–22)
v. Controversy about the sabbath (2:23–28)
vi. The man with the withered hand (3:1–6)
A. The conflict increases (3:7–35)
i. The breach with the religious leaders (3:7–12)
ii. The call of the twelve (3:13–19)
iii. Mounting opposition: the Beelzebul controversy (3:20–30)
iv. The true relatives of Jesus (3:31–35)
B. Parables of the kingdom (4:1–34)
i. The parable of the sower (4:1–25)
ii. Two more parables of growth (4:26–32)
iii. The summing up of the parables (4:33–34)
C. Ministry round the lake of Galilee (4:35–7:23)
i. Jesus calms the storm (4:35–41)
ii. The Gadarene demoniac (5:1–20)
iii. Two more healing miracles (5:21–43)
iv. His own city rejects him (6:1–6)
v. The sending out of the twelve (6:7–13)
vi. Herod’s estimate of Jesus (6:14–16)
vii. The martyrdom of John the Baptist (6:17–29)
viii. The feeding of the five thousand (6:30–44)
ix. The walking on the water (6:45–52)
x. The healings at Gennesaret (6:53–56)
xi. A further clash with Judaism (7:1–23)
D. Ministry in northern Palestine: return to Galilee (7:24–8:26)
i. The Syrophoenician woman (7:24–30)
ii. The deaf and dumb man (7:31–37)
iii. The feeding of the four thousand (8:1–9)
iv. The Pharisees demand a sign (8:10–13)
v. The danger of yeast (8:14–21)
vi. The blind man of Bethsaida (8:22–26)
A. Confession and transfiguration (8:27–9:10)
i. Peter’s confession: the first passion-prediction (8:27–33)
ii. The cost of discipleship (8:34–38)
iii. The transfiguration (9:1–10)
B. The passion foretold again (9:11–50)
i. ‘Elijah returned’ (9:11–13)
ii. The epileptic boy (9:14–29)
iii. The second passion-prediction (9:30–32)
iv. The greatest in the kingdom (9:33–37)
v. The man casting out demons (9:38–40)
vi. Stumbling-blocks (9:41–48)
vii. The salt of the earth (9:49–50)
C. Departure from Galilee (10:1–34)
i. The local setting (10:1)
ii. The teaching of Jesus on marriage (10:2–12)
iii. Let the children come (10:13–16)
iv. The rich man (10:17–31)
v. The third passion-prediction (10:32–34)
D. The sons of Zebedee (10:35–45)
E. Blind Bartimaeus (10:46–52)
A. Entry into Jerusalem (11:1–14)
i. The entry (11:1–10)
ii. The return to Bethany (11:11)
iii. Cursing the fig tree (11:12–14)
B. The cleansing of the temple (11:15–19)
C. Exhortation and debate (11:20–12:44)
i. The meaning of the withered fig tree (11:20–26)
ii. By what authority? (11:27–33)
iii. The wicked tenant farmers (12:1–12)
iv. Tribute to Caesar (12:13–17)
v. The Sadducean question (12:18–27)
vi. The greatest commandment (12:28–34)
vii. The Son of David (12:35–37)
viii. The warning against the scribes (12:38–40)
ix. The widow’s gift (12:41–44)
D. The ‘little Apocalypse’ (13:1–37)
i. The doom on the temple (13:1–4)
ii. The signs of the end (13:5–8)
iii. The beginning of the troubles (13:9–13)
iv. The ‘desolating sacrilege’ (13:14–20)
v. False Christs and false prophets (13:21–23)
vi. The coming of the Son of man (13:24–27)
vii. The parable of the fig tree (13:28–29)
viii. The date of the coming (13:30–32)
ix. The end of the discourse (13:33–37)
A. The last supper (14:1–25)
i. The death of Jesus is decided (14:1–2)
ii. The anointing at Bethany (14:3–9)
iii. The betrayal by Judas (14:10–11)
iv. The owner of the upper room (14:12–16)
v. The prophecy of the betrayal (14:17–21)
vi. The Lord’s Supper (14:22–25)
B. The agony in Gethsemane (14:26–42)
i. The road to Gethsemane (14:26–31)
ii. The agony in the garden (14:32–42)
C. Jesus is taken prisoner (14:43–52)
D. The fall of Peter (14:53–72)
E. The trial before Pilate (15:1–15)
i. The stage is set (15:1)
ii. Pilate condemns Jesus (15:2–15)
F. The crucifixion (15:16–47)
i. The mockery (15:16–20)
ii. Carrying the cross of Jesus (15:21)
iii. The cross (15:22–32)
iv. The death (15:33–41)
v. The burial (15:42–47)
A. The resurrection (16:1–8)
B. The longer ending (16:9–20)
John D. Grassmick, “Mark,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 101–102
I. The Title (1:1)
II. Introduction: The Preparation for Jesus’ Public Ministry (1:2–13)
A. Jesus’ forerunner, John the Baptist (1:2–8)
B. Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist (1:9–11)
C. Jesus’ temptation by Satan (1:12–13)
III. Jesus’ Early Galilean Ministry (1:14–3:6)
A. Introductory summary: Jesus’ message (1:14–15)
B. Jesus’ call of four fishermen (1:16–20)
C. Jesus’ authority over demons and disease (1:21–45)
D. Jesus’ controversies with Jewish religious leaders in Galilee (2:1–3:5)
E. Conclusion: Jesus’ rejection by the Pharisees (3:6)
IV. Jesus’ Later Galilean Ministry (3:7–6:6a)
A. Introductory summary: Jesus’ activity around the Sea of Galilee (3:7–12)
B. Jesus’ appointment of the Twelve (3:13–19)
C. The Beelzebub accusation and Jesus’ identity of His true family (3:20–35)
D. Jesus’ parables depicting the character of God’s kingdom (4:1–34)
E. Jesus’ miracles demonstrating His sovereign power (4:35–5:43)
F. Conclusion: Jesus’ rejection at Nazareth (6:1–6a)
V. Jesus’ Ministry in and beyond Galilee (6:6b–8:30)
A. Introductory summary: Jesus’ teaching tour of Galilee (6:6b)
B. Jesus’ sending forth of the Twelve and John the Baptist’s death (6:7–31)
C. Jesus’ self-disclosure to the Twelve in word and deed (6:32–8:26)
D. Conclusion: Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Christ (8:27–30)
VI. Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem (8:31–10:52)
A. The first Passion prediction unit (8:31–9:29)
B. The second Passion prediction unit (9:30–10:31)
C. The third Passion prediction unit (10:32–45)
D. Conclusion: The faith of blind Bartimaeus (10:46–52)
VII. Jesus’ Ministry in and around Jerusalem (11:1–13:37)
A. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem (11:1–11)
B. Jesus’ prophetic signs of God’s judgment on Israel (11:12–26)
C. Jesus’ controversy with the Jewish religious leaders in the temple courts (11:27–12:44)
D. Jesus’ prophetic Olivet Discourse to His disciples (chap. 13)
VIII. Jesus’ Suffering and Death in Jerusalem (chaps. 14–15)
A. Jesus’ betrayal, the Passover meal, and His disciples’ desertion (14:1–52)
B. Jesus’ trials, crucifixion, and burial (14:53–15:47)
IX. Jesus’ Resurrection from the Dead near Jerusalem (16:1–8)
A. The women’s arrival at the tomb (16:1–5)
B. The angel’s announcement (16:6–7)
C. The women’s response to the news of Jesus’ resurrection (16:8)
X. Disputed Epilogue (16:9–20)
A. Three of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances (16:9–14)
B. Jesus’ commission to His followers (16:15–18)
C. Jesus’ Ascension and the disciples’ ongoing mission (16:19–20
1. God’s Servant Is Here! (Mark 1)
2. What the Servant Offers You (Mark 2:1–3:12)
3. The Servant, the Crowds, and the Kingdom (Mark 3:13–4:34)
4. The Servant Conquers! (Mark 4:35–5:43)
5. Will Anyone Trust God’s Servant? (Mark 6:1–56)
6. The Servant-Teacher (Mark 7:1–8:26)
7. The Servant’s Secrets (Mark 8:27–9:50)
8. The Servant’s Paradoxes (Mark 10)
9. The Servant in Jerusalem (Mark 11:1–12:44)
10. The Servant Unveils the Future (Mark 13)
11. The Servant Suffers (Mark 14:1–15:20)
12. The Servant Finishes His Work (Mark 15:21–16:20)
R. Alan Cole, Mark: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 2, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989), 97–101.ANALYSIS
A. The title of the book (1:1)
B. The forerunner (1:2–8)
C. The baptism of Jesus (1:9–11)
D. The temptation (1:12–13)
A. The kingdom of God in Galilee (1:14–15)
i. The first Galilean preaching (1:14–15)
ii. The call of the disciples (1:16–20)
iii. Jesus at Capernaum (1:21–28)
iv. Peter’s mother-in-law (1:29–31)
v. The evening healings (1:32–34)
vi. From Capernaum to Galilee (1:35–39)
vii. The cleansing of the leper (1:40–45)
B. The beginning of conflict (2:1–3:6)
i. The healing of the paralysed man (2:1–12)
ii. The ministry of Jesus (2:13)
iii. The call of Levi (2:14–17)
iv. Controversy about fasting (2:18–22)
v. Controversy about the sabbath (2:23–28)
vi. The man with the withered hand (3:1–6)
A. The conflict increases (3:7–35)
i. The breach with the religious leaders (3:7–12)
ii. The call of the twelve (3:13–19)
iii. Mounting opposition: the Beelzebul controversy (3:20–30)
iv. The true relatives of Jesus (3:31–35)
B. Parables of the kingdom (4:1–34)
i. The parable of the sower (4:1–25)
ii. Two more parables of growth (4:26–32)
iii. The summing up of the parables (4:33–34)
C. Ministry round the lake of Galilee (4:35–7:23)
i. Jesus calms the storm (4:35–41)
ii. The Gadarene demoniac (5:1–20)
iii. Two more healing miracles (5:21–43)
iv. His own city rejects him (6:1–6)
v. The sending out of the twelve (6:7–13)
vi. Herod’s estimate of Jesus (6:14–16)
vii. The martyrdom of John the Baptist (6:17–29)
viii. The feeding of the five thousand (6:30–44)
ix. The walking on the water (6:45–52)
x. The healings at Gennesaret (6:53–56)
xi. A further clash with Judaism (7:1–23)
D. Ministry in northern Palestine: return to Galilee (7:24–8:26)
i. The Syrophoenician woman (7:24–30)
ii. The deaf and dumb man (7:31–37)
iii. The feeding of the four thousand (8:1–9)
iv. The Pharisees demand a sign (8:10–13)
v. The danger of yeast (8:14–21)
vi. The blind man of Bethsaida (8:22–26)
A. Confession and transfiguration (8:27–9:10)
i. Peter’s confession: the first passion-prediction (8:27–33)
ii. The cost of discipleship (8:34–38)
iii. The transfiguration (9:1–10)
B. The passion foretold again (9:11–50)
i. ‘Elijah returned’ (9:11–13)
ii. The epileptic boy (9:14–29)
iii. The second passion-prediction (9:30–32)
iv. The greatest in the kingdom (9:33–37)
v. The man casting out demons (9:38–40)
vi. Stumbling-blocks (9:41–48)
vii. The salt of the earth (9:49–50)
C. Departure from Galilee (10:1–34)
i. The local setting (10:1)
ii. The teaching of Jesus on marriage (10:2–12)
iii. Let the children come (10:13–16)
iv. The rich man (10:17–31)
v. The third passion-prediction (10:32–34)
D. The sons of Zebedee (10:35–45)
E. Blind Bartimaeus (10:46–52)
A. Entry into Jerusalem (11:1–14)
i. The entry (11:1–10)
ii. The return to Bethany (11:11)
iii. Cursing the fig tree (11:12–14)
B. The cleansing of the temple (11:15–19)
C. Exhortation and debate (11:20–12:44)
i. The meaning of the withered fig tree (11:20–26)
ii. By what authority? (11:27–33)
iii. The wicked tenant farmers (12:1–12)
iv. Tribute to Caesar (12:13–17)
v. The Sadducean question (12:18–27)
vi. The greatest commandment (12:28–34)
vii. The Son of David (12:35–37)
viii. The warning against the scribes (12:38–40)
ix. The widow’s gift (12:41–44)
D. The ‘little Apocalypse’ (13:1–37)
i. The doom on the temple (13:1–4)
ii. The signs of the end (13:5–8)
iii. The beginning of the troubles (13:9–13)
iv. The ‘desolating sacrilege’ (13:14–20)
v. False Christs and false prophets (13:21–23)
vi. The coming of the Son of man (13:24–27)
vii. The parable of the fig tree (13:28–29)
viii. The date of the coming (13:30–32)
ix. The end of the discourse (13:33–37)
A. The last supper (14:1–25)
i. The death of Jesus is decided (14:1–2)
ii. The anointing at Bethany (14:3–9)
iii. The betrayal by Judas (14:10–11)
iv. The owner of the upper room (14:12–16)
v. The prophecy of the betrayal (14:17–21)
vi. The Lord’s Supper (14:22–25)
B. The agony in Gethsemane (14:26–42)
i. The road to Gethsemane (14:26–31)
ii. The agony in the garden (14:32–42)
C. Jesus is taken prisoner (14:43–52)
D. The fall of Peter (14:53–72)
E. The trial before Pilate (15:1–15)
i. The stage is set (15:1)
ii. Pilate condemns Jesus (15:2–15)
F. The crucifixion (15:16–47)
i. The mockery (15:16–20)
ii. Carrying the cross of Jesus (15:21)
iii. The cross (15:22–32)
iv. The death (15:33–41)
v. The burial (15:42–47)
A. The resurrection (16:1–8)
B. The longer ending (16:9–20)
John D. Grassmick, “Mark,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 101–102
I. The Title (1:1)
II. Introduction: The Preparation for Jesus’ Public Ministry (1:2–13)
A. Jesus’ forerunner, John the Baptist (1:2–8)
B. Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist (1:9–11)
C. Jesus’ temptation by Satan (1:12–13)
III. Jesus’ Early Galilean Ministry (1:14–3:6)
A. Introductory summary: Jesus’ message (1:14–15)
B. Jesus’ call of four fishermen (1:16–20)
C. Jesus’ authority over demons and disease (1:21–45)
D. Jesus’ controversies with Jewish religious leaders in Galilee (2:1–3:5)
E. Conclusion: Jesus’ rejection by the Pharisees (3:6)
IV. Jesus’ Later Galilean Ministry (3:7–6:6a)
A. Introductory summary: Jesus’ activity around the Sea of Galilee (3:7–12)
B. Jesus’ appointment of the Twelve (3:13–19)
C. The Beelzebub accusation and Jesus’ identity of His true family (3:20–35)
D. Jesus’ parables depicting the character of God’s kingdom (4:1–34)
E. Jesus’ miracles demonstrating His sovereign power (4:35–5:43)
F. Conclusion: Jesus’ rejection at Nazareth (6:1–6a)
V. Jesus’ Ministry in and beyond Galilee (6:6b–8:30)
A. Introductory summary: Jesus’ teaching tour of Galilee (6:6b)
B. Jesus’ sending forth of the Twelve and John the Baptist’s death (6:7–31)
C. Jesus’ self-disclosure to the Twelve in word and deed (6:32–8:26)
D. Conclusion: Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Christ (8:27–30)
VI. Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem (8:31–10:52)
A. The first Passion prediction unit (8:31–9:29)
B. The second Passion prediction unit (9:30–10:31)
C. The third Passion prediction unit (10:32–45)
D. Conclusion: The faith of blind Bartimaeus (10:46–52)
VII. Jesus’ Ministry in and around Jerusalem (11:1–13:37)
A. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem (11:1–11)
B. Jesus’ prophetic signs of God’s judgment on Israel (11:12–26)
C. Jesus’ controversy with the Jewish religious leaders in the temple courts (11:27–12:44)
D. Jesus’ prophetic Olivet Discourse to His disciples (chap. 13)
VIII. Jesus’ Suffering and Death in Jerusalem (chaps. 14–15)
A. Jesus’ betrayal, the Passover meal, and His disciples’ desertion (14:1–52)
B. Jesus’ trials, crucifixion, and burial (14:53–15:47)
IX. Jesus’ Resurrection from the Dead near Jerusalem (16:1–8)
A. The women’s arrival at the tomb (16:1–5)
B. The angel’s announcement (16:6–7)
C. The women’s response to the news of Jesus’ resurrection (16:8)
X. Disputed Epilogue (16:9–20)
A. Three of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances (16:9–14)
B. Jesus’ commission to His followers (16:15–18)
C. Jesus’ Ascension and the disciples’ ongoing mission (16:19–20
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