Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wed 091216 am Jer 11-12

Jeremiah 11
11.21  Anathoth. The precise location of Anathoth, a priestly city in Benjamin, has long been debated. It was either located on the high mound of Ras el-Kharrubeh just south of the village of Anata or in the valley adjacent to Anata (the Jewish historian Josephus identified Anathoth with Anata). The most recent idea is that Ras el-Kharrubeh was initially Anathoth, but the city relocated to Anata after the Babylonian exile of the late sixth century b.c. The archaeological record appears to confirm this. The city is first mentioned as the home of some of the bodyguards of David, and later Abiathar the priest was exiled there. According to Isaiah 10:30 the city was on the route of the Assyrian invasion of Palestine, but it was not destroyed.   ----Matthews, Victor Harold ; Chavalas, Mark W. ; Walton, John H.: The IVP Bible Background Commentary : Old Testament. electronic ed. Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, 2000, S. Je 1:1
Jeremiah 12
12.5 Jordan thickets. The thickets (literally, “height”) of the Jordan is a term that refers to the area where the Jordan River overflows to its junglelike thicket of reeds, bushes and trees, which often became a den for lions. It was a dangerous place and difficult to navigate.   ---Matthews, Victor Harold ; Chavalas, Mark W. ; Walton, John H.: The IVP Bible Background Commentary : Old Testament. electronic ed. Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, 2000, S. Je 12:5

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