Thursday, July 8, 2010

100708 Gen 14-16

Genesis 14
14.18  brought bread and wine...  It is interesting how often food was involved in these kinds of situations.  It has gotten me to thinking about the spiritual significances of eating.
14.20  People practiced tithing as an act of worship commonly in the ancient Near East at this time (cf. 28:22).487 It was also a common tax. This is still true in some modern countries. For example, in England part of every person's taxes goes to maintain the Church of England. Some residents regard this part of their tax as their contribution to the church or their tithe. However since Melchizedek gave Abram a priestly blessing, it is likely that Abram reciprocated by giving Melchizedek a gift with priestly connotations.488 "All" probably refers to all that he took in the battle rather than all that was in Abram's possession (cf. vv. 23-24; Heb. 7:4).  --Thomas Constable
14.23 lifted up my hand...  It is interesting the the nasb and Living both say solemn oath and all the rest use this more literal rendering (esv has oath in the footnotes).  The thought of lifting my hand to make God a promise in a private setting seems kind of silly. It seems that this might have happened during the meeting with Melchizedek.
Genesis 15
15.6 classic verse
15.17  a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch...  " In this symbol Jehovah manifested Himself to Abram, just as He afterwards did to the people of Israel in the pillar of cloud and fire. " ---Keil and Delitzch
Genesis 16
16.2  listened to the voice of Sarah...  This doesn't seem to have a positive connotation here.
16.13 You are a God of seeing.  ...I have seen Him who looks after me.  Expressions that are good reminders of God's watchful eye over us.  It is also interesting to note that this is in the context of God telling Hagar to go back to her mean master.

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