Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sat 090718 pm Psa 38-43 & 1Cor 8-9

Psalm 38 David; 22vs.; 38.11--Luke 23.49
David despised and miserable calls for help

38.1-8 David laments over the misery his sin caused him.
38.11 I am not sure that Luke 23.49 is a quote from or specific allusion to this verse, but the similar wording is worth noting.
38.9-16 a lament about those who deserted him and were against him
38.17-22 a plea for help esp. 20-22

Psalm 39 David; 13 vs.; --??
David bewails his despair.

Psalm 40 David; 17 vs.; 40.6-8--Hebrews 10.5-7
Psalm of deliverance

40.10 have not hidden ... have not concealed a good reminder to give public witness

Psalm 41 David; 13vs.; 41.9--John 13.18; 41.13--Luke 1.68
David bemoans betrayal and calls out the God for help.

41.10 raise me up that I may repay them. Is that something that God would do? for that reason anyway?
41.13 a pretty thin allusion.

BOOK TWO of Psalms
Psalm 42 Sons of Korah; 11vs.; 42.5--Matthew 26.38; Mark 14.34

42. This Psalm sounds a lot like some of the prayers David prayed.
42.5 The resemblance of the NT references is pretty tenuous in the ESV
42.11 repeats verse 5 and is a good prayer for the discouraged or depressed. Things are dark now, but I shall praise Him again.

Psalm 43 Anon.; 5 vs.; --??
Plea for deliverance and expectation to worship God.

43.5 Same verse as twice in chapter 42.

1 Corinthians 8

8.11 the brother for whom Christ died... This is a thought that we should keep in mind. If we did, we would get along much better if we had that in mind.
8.12 you sin against Christ... Strong statement. Hard preaching.

1 Corinthians 9

9.5 It is interesting that he pointed our Cephas specifically.
9.18 the Gospel free of charge... This is a principle that seems to get lost in the shuffle sometimes.
9.27 lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. That is one of my constant concerns. God please take be home to be with You before I do anything to dishonor Your name.

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