Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday 100329 pm Luke 13-18

Luke 13
13.2  think these Galileans were worse sinners...   Some ask if victims of natural disasters deserved it.  I tend to reply, "Yes, just like we do."
13.11  a disabling spirit...  This is a curious description.  I wonder if there were physical deformities, or if this was an otherwise unexplained thing.
13.24  will seek to enter and will not be able...  This seems to contradict the notion that anybody can come to Jesus at anytime if they will just meet him halfway.  This is a thought provoking verse.
13.34  you would not... This is sad and tragic.
Luke 14
14.10  sit in the lowest place...  This sounds like something out of Proverbs--just good sense.
14.14  be repaid at the resurrection of the just...  This seems to suggest dong thing with the intentional design for maximum heavenly reward. That is an interesting perspective and twist on doing things.
14.23  Go out to the highways and hedges and compel...
Luke 15
15.7  more joy in heaven...  What makes heaven "happy"?
15.10  there is joy before the angels...  It doesn't really say that the angels will experience joy, only that there will be joy in their presence.  It seems like an odd way to say it.
15.16 longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate...  I like the sound of pig pods.  :o) This does vividly describe just how desperate he was.
15.17  came to himself...
15.18 & 23  Two parts of coming back to God-- awareness of our sin and our unworthiness before God.
Luke 16
16.8  for his shrewness...  Jesus can commend one trait while not approving of others.
16.13  God and money...  This is a choice that most Americans make on a daily or weekly basis.
16.23  being in torment... 
16.31  if they did not hear Moses...  The Word is enough, if a person is ready.
Luke 17
17.1  but woe to the one through whom they come!  This is a thought that we see many times in the Old Testament (ex. Babylon as a tool of God that was guilty for its cruelty, etc.)
17.19  your faith has made you whole...
Luke 18
18.1  pray and not loose heart...  Prayer and heart go together.
18.34  This saying was hidden...  We criticize the apostle's for how spiritually dense they were, but this seems to indicate that it was not all their falt.
18.40  What do you want me to do for you?  This is fruitful question to contemplate.

1 comment:

  1. I see we are reading in about the same place.

    Have you ever noticed in Luke 17, after the disciples said "increase our faith," and Jesus said the bit about the mustard seed, that Jesus then proceeded to ask his disciples how they would treat a servant who came in from plowing. Doesn't that teach that "big" faith does its duty without regard to the rewards?
