Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wed 090316 am 2King 2-3

2 Kings 2 2.14 Where is the God of Elijah? With 50 sons of the Prophets looking on Elisha steps forward in faith. If God had not parted the water, he would have looked pretty foolish.
2.17 till he was ashamed It is too easy for people to redefine the paradigm and cajole us into being too embarrassed to stick to what we know is right. Are we not sure of ourselves, or is it just not worth making a fuss over?
2.24 mauled forty-two of the youths I am trying to get a picture of this scene in my mind. "Forty-two of them" may imply that there were even more. It must have been an ominous scene to have a crowd of "gang members" heckling and threatening the prophet. And was does that look like for two bears to maul 42 people. It must have been real mayhem.

2 Kings 3
3.13 What have I to do with you. God to the prophets of your father.
3.14 were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah
For someone raised with almost a "win the lost at any cost" / "Jesus is watching and waiting" background this seems like a very odd attitude to take. It should cause people who reject the Lord to sit up and take notice. I hope that I am always a Jehoshaphat.
3.18 a simple hing in the eyes of the Lord What a reassuring thought!
3,27 What a sad and pathetic scene this must have been. Spiritual darkness is tragic.

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