Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thurs 090409 pm Chron Life Christ

Chronological Life of Christ

Matthew 26.40 Could you not keep watch with me for one hour? How convicting!!

Mark 14.40-41 They did not know what to say to Him? How like me! Praise God that He is long-suffering with us and that His mercy endures forever.

John 18.4 knowing all that would happen... I am thinking about how this integrates with Philippians 2.

John 18.9 Oddly enough, I am not sure that I have ever heard John 17.12 preached or taught with this interpretation.

Matthew 26.51-54 Again, Peter with the greatest of enthusiasm and commitment, but poorly informed.

Mark 14.51-52 I am trying to imagine the chaotic scene here where Peter, right in the center of the action, is able to make a clean get away, but this poor fellow almost gets caught.

John 18.23 That was a lot of spunk.

Mark 14.55-56 It surprises me that they didn't have their act together any better than this.

Mark 14.61-61 a reference to Daniel 7.13 and Psalm 110.1

Luke 22.62 wept bitterly... Again, evidence of Peter's great intentions and strong desire to be faithful to death. It must have been heartbreaking for him to fall short of his high standards for the One he loved so dearly.

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